Archive for 2008

Monday, November 24th, 2008

It’s time to hold public House National Defence Committee hearings into veterans issues. By SEAN BRUYEA-The Hill Times-Published November 24, 2008 OTTAWA—With another Remembrance Day behind us, now is the time for Parliament to pay more than lip service to truly honour those who have sacrificed so much so that Parliament can begin another session….


Saturday, November 15th, 2008

Sean Bruyea. Edmonton Journal. Edmonton, Alta.: Nov 15, 2008. pg. A.19

Such reflex explanations of sacrifice paint a dim view of the intellectual capacities of our brave men and women who have fought in Canada’s name.

Most Canadians look upon military heroism with a combination of fascination and horror. As such, most of us understandably shy away from the question as to why Canadian men and women are willing to sacrifice their lives.

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 News Staff Date: Wed. Aug. 13 2008 9:11 AM ET Inconsistent care across the country means wounded Canadian soldiers returning from overseas may not be getting the most effective care, according to a senate report. The senate committee on national security and defence finds that care for soldiers on the ground at Kandahar Air…


Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

For c0mplete testimony, questions and answers, please click here Captain (retired) Sean Bruyea, as an individual: I thank the committee for taking the time to study the issue of the unfair deductions from soldiers’ SISIP long-term disability income. I served 14 years in the Canadian Forces as an intelligence officer. I have with me Mr. Manuge,…


Thursday, May 1st, 2008

by Sean Bruyea-ESPRIT DE CORPS-May 2008-p. 12

Whether or not we agree with the Afghan mission, Canadians are united in standing behind the returning injured soldiers and their families. While the CF has retained many injured soldiers and even provided retraining into other trades, once the uniform comes off, many disabled soldiers have to fight another war, this time with Canadian bureaucrats.

Monday, April 7th, 2008

Many disabled soldiers suspect their sacrifices are less important than sacrificing those dollars necessary to pay for the human cost of war. By SEAN BRUYEA-The Hill Times-Published April 7, 2008 Whether or not we agree or disagree with the Afghan mission, Canadians are united in standing behind the returning injured soldiers and their families who…


Monday, March 31st, 2008

THE HILL TIMES-March 31, 2008 Re: “Homecoming: a new direction to welcome our soldiers back into Canadian society,” (The Hill Times, March 10, by Sean Bruyea). I merely wish to congratulate The Hill Times and your editor for the kind of effort your newsweekly is making to bring the many issues of importance to veterans;…


Monday, March 24th, 2008

By Senator (General) Roméo A. Dallaire -THE HILL TIMES-March 24, 2008 Re: “Homecoming: a new direction to welcome our soldiers back into Canadian society,” (The Hill Times, March 10, by Sean Bruyea). Mr. Bruyea’s column was nothing less than an outstanding effort to raise the profile of a very subtle yet essential deficiency in our…


Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

By Iain Harrison-THE (SCOTLAND) SUNDAY POST-March 23, 2008 For article, click here for PDF File

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

THE TELEGRAM (ST. JOHN’S)/THE CANADIAN PRESS-March 11th, 2008 Three years after Chicoutimi fire, crew members health worsening. Three-and-a-half years after a fatal submarine fire, surviving crew members of HMCS Chicoutimi are falling ill with debilitating conditions – severe enough to force some of them out of the navy. And researchers, who only recently analyzed the…


Monday, March 10th, 2008

We invest millions of dollars and decades into a complex process to ‘transform’ the civilian into a soldier. So why is there so little to help the soldier retransform back into a civilian?

By Sean Bruyea-THE HILL TIMES-March 10, 2008

Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan have been engaged in some of the most intensive combat since Korea. Those Canadians who have never worn a uniform see the military with a vacillating proportion of awe, fascination and incomprehension.

But the soldiers were

Thursday, March 6th, 2008

By Sean Bruyea – HALIFAX CHRONICLE HERALD-Published: 2008-03-06 No doubt thousands of cards and good wishes were sent to soldiers on the frontlines in Afghanistan for Valentine’s Day. Back home, a different expression of affection is being shown more than 4,200 injured soldiers whom the bureaucrats and policy makers would rather Canada forgot. Last month…


Monday, March 3rd, 2008

By Jean Leclerc-THE HILL TIMES-March 3, 2008 Re: “Disposable soldiers: Canada must renew broken trust with its forgotten 4,260 soldiers,” (The Hill Times, Feb. 25, p. 16, by Sean Bruyea.) I have read your column concerning the unfair deductions from SISIP on former service members. As one of those former members affected by this inequity…


Monday, February 25th, 2008

Of the 4,260 soldiers affected by what the National Defence ombudsman has called ‘profoundly’ and ‘fundamentally unfair’ deductions, more than 1,500 are currently so disabled as to be unemployable. By Sean Bruyea-THE HILL TIMES-February 25, 2008 No doubt thousands of cards and good wishes were sent to soldiers on the frontlines in Afghanistan for Valentine’s…


Thursday, February 14th, 2008

by Sean Bruyea-THE NATIONAL POST- Feb 14, 2008. pg. A.18

Since Tuesday, a Halifax courtroom has been hearing a request to certify a class-action lawsuit that would force the federal government to stop deducting pain-and-suffering payments from disabled soldiers’ long-term disability plans. The judge has read an affidavit from Andre Bouchard, the president of the Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP), the disability plan mandatory for all Canadian forces personnel. Mr. Bouchard, who in fact served in the military for almost 30 years, claims that should the SISIP plan stop deducting pain and suffering payments, the result would be “exorbitant premiums which would impose significant hardship on the members of the Canadian Forces.”

Monday, February 11th, 2008

By Minister of Veterans Affairs Greg Thompson-THE HILL TIMES-February 11, 2008 It is with great regret that I must write for the second time in two weeks to correct the same error in The Hill Times. But, once again, your Feb. 4 edition contains a column, “Veterans Affairs Minister Thompson should be building trust and…


Monday, February 4th, 2008

If Veterans Affairs is being operated so well, why was there a need to create a veterans ombudsman office to address all the problems which don´t exist?

By Sean Bruyea-THE HILL TIMES-Published February 4, 2008

That means that the department spends more than 30 cents to administer every dollar which is almost 15 times the 2.1 cent cost incurred by OHIP in managing each of Ontario´s healthcare dollars.

Monday, January 28th, 2008

By Minister of Veterans Affairs Greg Thompson-THE HILL TIMES-January 28, 2008  Re: “Veterans Affairs Canada: well-oiled machine or department in crisis?” (The Hill Times, Jan. 21, p. 34.) Some people just can’t take yes for an answer. Sean Bruyea and Robert Smol are two such people. In their doomsday article last week about Veterans Affairs…


Monday, January 21st, 2008

by Sean Bruyea and Robert Smol-THE HILL TIMES-January 21, 2008

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) has a lot on its plate: an unexpectedly large number of wounded soldiers returning from Afghanistan, 2,000 or more World War 2 veterans passing away each month, the appointment of the first-ever ombudsman and introducing the single largest change in veterans benefits in 60 years. While the department paints a rosy picture of effectiveness and client satisfaction, many observers and veterans point to a department in crisis, with top-heavy over centralization, insensitivity to clients and overworked frontline staff.