Unfair Deductions from Disabled Veterans’ Long Term Disability Income
(LTD) (SISIP – Service Income Security Insurance Plan)
- Highly-marginalized, Vulnerable Disabled CF Veterans Now Pawns in Federal Government Negotiations-THE HILL TIMES-July 2, 2012
- Federal Court Rules on Side of 6,000 CF Members, and Feds Should Not Appeal It-THE HILL TIMES-May 7, 2012
- Caring for Injured and Retired CF Personnel: Universality Instead of a Patchwork Quilt-THE HILL TIMES (Defence Policy Issue)-May 11, 2011
- Democracy also a right of veterans: how Canada can begin to repay debt owed to our injured soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-February 8, 2010
- Federal treatment of disabled soldiers disgraceful-THE EDMONTON JOURNAL-January, 27, 2010
- Disabled soldiers face legal minefield-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN-January, 21, 2010
- Canada’s disabled soldiers: Canada’s courts are their reluctant battlefield-THE HILL TIMES-January 18, 2010
- Cheating our injured soldiers-Esprit de Corps-May 2008
- Stop the insanity: let’s end discrimination against disabled Canadian soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-April 7, 2008
- Injured Soldiers are Not Disposable-HALIFAX CHRONICLEHERALD-March 06, 2008
- Disposable soldiers: Canada must renew broken trust with its forgotten 4,260 soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-February 25, 2008
- Cheating our Veterans-THE NATIONAL POST-February 14, 2008
- A Remembrance Day to remember, or, a way forward for Canada’s first-ever veterans’ ombudsman-THE HILL TIMES-November 5, 2007
- Making the right choice for injured soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-September 24, 2007