Complete List of Articles Authored by Sean


  1. Veterans aren’t fooled by Liberal alchemy-THE HILL TIMES-April 1, 2019
  2. Canada needs a public inquiry into its treatment of veterans-CBC-March 13, 2019
  3. Why a military suicide should have been prevented — and why it wasn’t-CBC-December 18, 2018
  4. Lowered expectations new norm for Canada’s veterans-THE TORONTO SUN-November 10, 2018
  5. The Legion should no longer hold a monopoly on the poppy-CBC-November 7, 2018
  6. Veterans fought for our democracy. Now, they face fights against their own government-MACLEANS-November 2, 2018
  7. Veterans will remember on Nov. 11, but not the way Ottawa wants-THE HILL TIMES-October 29, 2018
  8. How to razzle dazzle veterans and do nothing-THE HILL TIMES-October 22, 2018
  9. Rotten process, rotten product for veterans-THE HILL TIMES-September 17, 2018
  10. Pension for life?-ESPRIT DE CORPS MAGAZINE-Apr 18, 2018
  11. The Trudeau government’s education plan for veterans is stingy-MACLEANS-April 5, 2018
  12. Should we care about another broken promise for veterans?-THE HILL TIMES-Mar 26, 2018
  13. Ottawa can’t afford democracy for veterans-THE HILL TIMES-Mar 19, 2018

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    to stand up to government bullying veterans and journalists into silence


  14. Liberal government plan saves money at expense of veterans: opinion -OTTAWA CITIZEN DEFENCE WATCH-Feb 20, 2018
  15. Liberals’ plan for veterans: numbers don’t add up-THE HILL TIMES-February 12, 2018
  16. Liberals’ new ‘pension for life’ for veterans fails to live up to campaign promises-CBC NEWS-Jan 02, 2018
  17. Politicians are the eternal, charming bachelors to jilted veterans-THE GLOBE AND MAIL-December 17, 2017
  18. When will Parliament reciprocate commitment veterans have given to Canada?-THE HILL TIMES-December 11, 2017
  19. Can O’Regan avoid putting his foot into veterans’ mouths?-THE HILL TIMES-September 18, 2017
  20. How Seamus O’Regan can do the right thing-THE HILL TIMES-September 04, 2017
  21. Did Canada pay Khadr too much, its veterans too little, or a bit of both?-THE HILL TIMES-July 17, 2017
  22. This is why many Canadian veterans are troubled over the Khadr settlement-CBC News-July 15, 2017
  23. Less pretty words, more substantial action needed for military families-THE HILL TIMES-May 29, 2017
  24. Canada’s Veterans deserve a courageous ombudsman-HUFFINGTON POST-May 1, 2017
  25. Liberals-say right things about helping veterans but devils are in the detail-THE HILL TIMES-April 10, 2017
  26. Remembering the living, not just the dead-THE HILL TIMES-November 7, 2016
  27. Big gap between Liberal rhetoric and action on veterans issues-THE HILL TIMES-October 31, 2016
  28. Ottawa’s war to silence veterans-THE HILL TIMES-October 6, 2016
  29. Canadian Forces culture in desperate need of change-THE HILL TIMES-September 26, 2016
  30. Ottawa gives veterans the indexation finger-THE HILL TIMES-September 16, 2016
  31. Why Canada needs to pry open the doors of the Legion’s headquarters-THE HILL TIMES-June 8, 2016
  32. Vets need more than job training to adapt to civilian life-THE HILL TIMES-May 23, 2016
  33. Veterans’ consultation, or dog and pony show-THE HILL TIMES-May 9, 2016
  34. Has a well-intentioned minister of veterans affairs been co-opted by a cliché?-THE HILL TIMES-April 11, 2016
  35. Precarious optimism for veterans-THE HILL TIMES-April 4, 2016
  36. Democracy, yes, just not for veterans-THE HILL TIMES-October 19, 2015
  37. Election 2015-the battle for the hearts and minds of Canada’s veterans-DEFENCE WATCH-October 18, 2015
  38. Hiring veterans not a priority for O’Toole-THE HILL TIMES-October 10, 2015
  39. Dangerous déjà vu for veterans: send omnibus plate back to the chef-THE HILL TIMES-June 1, 2015
  40. Government should be taking the lumps, not injured veterans-THE HILL TIMES-March 09, 2015
  41. Fantino: not tough enough for veterans affairs-ESPRIT DE CORPS-January 2015
  42. Feds playing fast and loose with veterans’ mental health-THE HILL TIMES-December 1, 2014
  43. Minister Fantino: less back patting and more action, please-THE HILL TIMES-September 22, 2014
  44. New veterans charter: fourteen recommended changes, not substantive results-ESPRIT DE CORPS-July 2014
  45. Adieu to a friend, ally in accountability wars-THE HILL TIMES-July 21, 2014
  46. Prime Minister Harper:  Thank you for Julian Fantino-THE HILL TIMES-July 14, 2014
  47. Feds love veterans for photo ops, but not so much as ‘a budget line’-THE HILL TIMES-June 16, 2014
  48. Parliament Throws Veterans under the Bus, Yet Again-THE HILL TIMES-June 9, 2014
  49. What we owe those who fight our warsiPolitics-June 3, 2014
  50. Government doesn’t care about whistleblowers-THE HILL TIMES-June 2, 2014
  51. Veterans trapped under government’s sweeping budget omnibus steamroller: Sean Bruyea-THE HILL TIMES-May 19, 2014
  52. Parliament Has No Obligation to Fight for Veterans, Even though Veterans Fight and Die for Us-THE HILL TIMES-May 12, 2014
  53. Yes, We Can Trust Ottawa Again-THE HILL TIMES-April 28, 2014
  54. Veterans bang heads against Parliamentary, bureaucratic wall-THE HILL TIMES-April 11, 2014
  55. CAF Needs to Diminish the Rhetoric & Act on Health Care-ESPRIT DE CORPS-April 2014
  56. Feds Dilly-dallying with Disabled Veterans-THE HILL TIMES-March 24, 2014
  57. Fantino: cloudy priorities in sunny Cyprus-THE HILL TIMES-March 17, 2014
  58. Mental Health Care in Forces: Let’s Clear a Few Trees to See Forest-THE HILL TIMES-March 10, 2014
  59. Mock Consultation: Subjecting Veterans to an Ugly Political Game-THE HILL TIMES-March 3, 2014
  60. How Veterans Shoot Themselves in the Foot While Government Hits Them over the Head-THE HILL TIMES-February 24, 2014
  61. ‘What the Frig is Wrong with that Guy?’-THE HILL TIMES-February 03, 2014
  62. Healing Our Military Veterans: First Steps-THE HILL TIMES-December 17, 2013
  63. Military Suicides: Platitudes and Rhetoric Not Enough-THE HILL TIMES-December 9, 2013
  64. Veterans Deserve Best Democracy Possible-THE HILL TIMES-November 11, 2013
  65. In Ottawa, Every Day Could Be Halloween-THE HILL TIMES-October 31, 2013
  66. Sean Bruyea: Veterans under attack-NATIONAL POST-October 28, 2013
  67. New Veterans Affairs Minister: Same Old Crisis of Insensitivity-THE HILL TIMES-October 14, 2013
  68. Highly-marginalized, Vulnerable Disabled CF Veterans Now Pawns in Federal Government Negotiations-THE HILL TIMES-July 2, 2012
  69. Federal Court Rules on Side of 6,000 CF Members, and Feds Should Not Appeal It-THE HILL TIMES-May 7, 2012
  70. When the Veterans Affairs forest falls to the budget axe, does anyone in government hear it?-THE HILL TIMES-March 09, 2012
  71. Why is Canada Kicking Injured Soldiers When They’re Down?-THE GLOBE AND MAIL- March 07, 2012
  72. Stakeholder committees and other reasons for a public inquiry into Veterans Affairs-THE HILL TIMES-February 6, 2012
  73. Just One More Reason for a Commission of Inquiry into Veterans’ Issues-THE HILL TIMES-January, 3, 2012
  74. It’s Time Ottawa Fix its Broken Trust with Canadians-THE HILL TIMES-December 5, 2011
  75. Rebuilding trust with our CF veterans: now is the time for a public inquiry-THE HILL TIMES-October 21, 2011

  76. Here’s the Real Skinny on How Power Works in Ottawa-THE HILL TIMES-September 19, 2011
  77. Sleight-of-hand Tricks Once Again at VAC-THE HILL TIMES-July 18, 2011
  78. How to Make Positive Change for Serving and Retired CF, RCMP and Their Families? (Hint: Only Veterans Affairs and Treasury Board Win When Veterans are Divided) and 15, 2011
  79. Why Do We Neglect Our Veterans?-THE GLOBE AND MAIL- June 08, 2011
  80. Caring for Injured and Retired CF Personnel: Universality Instead of a Patchwork Quilt-THE HILL TIMES (Defence Policy Issue)-May 30, 2011
  81. Veterans Affairs Canada Has a Case of Premature Closure-THE HILL TIMES-April 11, 2011
  82. Veterans Affairs Canada Has a Perverse Understanding of ‘Consultation’-THE HILL TIMES-March 21, 2011
  83. On the March Again for Fair Treatment-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN-November 06, 2010
  84. Parliament must order a royal commission to clean up Veterans Affairs-THE HILL TIMES-October 18, 2010
  85. I didn’t go to war for this kind of abuse-VICTORIA TIMES-COLONIST-September 28, 2010.
  86. This is not what I went to war for-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN-September 25, 2010
  87. Disabled soldiers angry over lump-sum payments-THE TORONTO STAR-August 26, 2010
  88. Some ‘facts’ about Canada’s veterans-WINNIPEG FREE PRESS-August 24, 2010
  89. Don’t Let Ottawa Make Financial Scapegoats of Our Veterans-THE GLOBE AND MAIL-August 17, 2010
  90. Disabled veterans not just another statistic-THE HILL TIMES-August 9, 2010
  91. Feds’ idea to reward public servants with cash doomed-THE HILL TIMES-July 19, 2010
  92. Our Public Service Needs Servicing-THE VANCOUVER SUN-July 14, 2010
  93. Canada’s Public-Service Mentality Must Be Changed-THE MONTREAL GAZETTE-July 6, 2010
  94. Ottawa’s plan to pay cash for cost-cutting ideas is doomed to fail-EDMONTON JOURNAL-July 4, 2010
  95. Democracy also a right of veterans: how Canada can begin to repay debt owed to our injured soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-February 8, 2010
  96. Federal treatment of disabled soldiers disgraceful-THE EDMONTON JOURNAL-January, 27, 2010
  97. Disabled soldiers face legal minefield-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN-January, 21, 2010
  98. Canada’s disabled soldiers: Canada’s courts are their reluctant battlefield-THE HILL TIMES-January 18, 2010
  99. Government wages war with Parliamentary Budget Officer Page-THE HILL TIMES-August 3, 2009
  100. MPs find too much openness and accountability on the Hill-THE EDMONTON JOURNAL-July 26, 2009
  101. Parliament and our veterans: now’s the time for healing-THE HILL TIMES-November 24, 2008
  102. Canada must provide support for soldiers-THE EDMONTON JOURNAL-November 15, 2008
  103. Cheating our injured soldiers-ESPRIT DE CORPS-May 2008.
  104. Stop the insanity: let’s end discrimination against disabled Canadian soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-April 7, 2008
  105. Homecoming: a new direction to welcome our soldiers back into Canadian society-THE HILL TIMES-March 10, 2008
  106. Injured Soldiers are Not Disposable-HALIFAX CHRONICLEHERALD-March 06, 2008
  107. Disposable soldiers: Canada must renew broken trust with its forgotten 4,260 soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-February 25, 2008
  108. Cheating our Veterans-THE NATIONAL POST-February 14, 2008.
  109. Veterans Affairs Minister Thompson should be building trust and showing more compassion-THE HILL TIMES-February 4, 2008
  110. Veterans Affairs Canada: Well-Oiled Machine or Department in Crisis?-THE HILL TIMES-January 21, 2008
  111. A Remembrance Day to remember, or, a way forward for Canada’s first-ever veterans’ ombudsman-THE HILL TIMES-November 5, 2007
  112. Civil servants and soldiers: some are more equal than others-THE HILL TIMES-October 08, 2007
  113. The Many Faces of Bravery-SALUTE (VAC Newsletter)-October 2007
  114. Making the right choice for injured soldiers-THE HILL TIMES-September 24, 2007
  115. Veterans awaiting an Ombudsman-TORONTO STAR-September 21, 2007
  116. Delivering a personal letter to the minister of veterans affairs, er, not-THE HILL TIMES-August 20, 2007
  117. Royal Canadian Legion rapidly losing its connectivity to veteran community-THE HILL TIMES-June 4, 2007
  118. The New Veterans Charter: setting limits for vets-ESPRIT DE CORPS-January 2007
  119. Dishonouring disabled vets-THE TORONTO STAR-June 19, 2006
  120. Robbing Veterans of their rights-THE NATIONAL POST-April 3, 2006
  121. The case for a VAC ombudsman-ESPRIT DE CORPS-July 2005