Archive for the ‘Lawsuit against Minister O’Regan’ Category

Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

By PERRY GRAY      JUN. 19, 2019  THE HILL TIMES The prime minister’s, and his government’s, responses to veterans will echo well after the upcoming election campaign. In December 2017, then-veterans affairs minister Seamus O’Regan announced the government’s plans for a lifelong pension for Armed Forces veterans. But those moves ring hollow when Ottawa has racked up a…


Thursday, September 6th, 2018

Hi All. After taking a short break and a brutal summer cold from our wonderful six-year old son, here is some more media coverage of the lawsuit. Hill Times reporter, Emily Haws, sat through the entire five hours of hearings. I believe her article is balanced and articulates the issues well. You can find the…


Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

By EMILY HAWS      AUG. 29, 2018   The Hill Times Both Sean Bruyea and federal lawyers defending Minister Seamus O’Regan say if they don’t get their way, freedom of expression could be at risk. Outspoken veterans advocate Sean Bruyea argued with federal lawyers for five hours Friday over a motion to dismiss his defamation case. The Hill Times photograph…