Archive for 2009

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

While Canadians die in an effort to bring transparent and accountable government to Afghanistan, Canada’s government is waging a war to suppress transparency and accountability in Ottawa. By Sean Bruyea-The Hill Times-Published August 3, 2009 While Canadians die in an effort to bring transparent and accountable government to Afghanistan, Canada’s government is waging a war…


Sunday, July 26th, 2009

Tories, Liberals now trying to muzzle watchdog created to counteract secrecy

Sean Bruyea. Edmonton Journal. Edmonton, Alta.: Jul 26, 2009. pg. A.10

The Parliamentary Budget Office’s goal is to provide “authoritative, non-partisan financial and economic analysis to support Parliament…in ensuring budget transparency.” Should politicians and bureaucrats succeed in silencing brave public servants like Page who are truly serving the public, one must ask why have so many Canadians died or been lost to injuries when our own country tries to obscure transparency, and make a government devoid of accountability?

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

By Michael MacDonald-GLOBE & MAIL-March 3, 2009. pA8B. HALIFAX — Defence Minister Peter MacKay rolled out a $21-million plan yesterday for a new network of military support centres, responding to reports that Canada is doing a poor job caring for sick and injured members of the Armed Forces, veterans and their families. The eight centres,…


Monday, March 2nd, 2009

Michael MacDonald-LE DROIT- Publié le 02 mars 2009 à 11h44 | Mis à jour le 02 mars 2009 à 11h46  La Presse Canadienne Halifax  Le gouvernement canadien a annoncé, lundi, la mise sur pied, au coût de 21 millions $, d’un réseau de huit centres de soutien qui auront pour mandat d’offrir des soins aux…


Sunday, March 1st, 2009

by Sharon Adams-LEGION MAGAZINE-March 1, 2009 Although it notes progress over the past six years in addressing operational stress injuries (OSIs) in the Canadian Forces, a December report from the interim ombudsman for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces says some military personnel and their families are still not getting the service…


Monday, January 26th, 2009

The Hill Times-Published January 26, 2009 Re: “Veterans Affairs too secretive, House should assess effectiveness: vet,” (The Hill Times, Jan. 19, p. 1). Sean Bruyea’s tireless efforts on behalf of disabled veterans, and his continued commitment in seeking public hearings into Veterans Affairs Canada and their programs, service delivery, and overall treatment of veterans is…


Monday, January 19th, 2009

But Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson says the New Veterans Charter represents ‘sweeping changes.’  By Bea Vongdouangchan-THE HILL TIMES- January 19, 2009 When Parliament returns, the House Veterans Affairs Committee should conduct a thorough review of the department to see how effective its programs are, says a disabled veteran who believes that the department is…