Archive for 2006

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

Wed Nov. 15 2006 7:32:15 PM Canadian Press OTTAWA — A group of veterans says Canadian soldiers killed and wounded in Afghanistan deserve the same benefits as senior civil servants, who don’t put their lives on the line. Retired captain Sean Bruyea and retired navy nurse Lt. Louise Richard issued an urgent plea Wednesday for…


Monday, June 19th, 2006

While politicians heap praise on our troops, Canadian soldiers disabled in Afghanistan will receive far less than those who fought in World War II by Robert Smol and Sean Bruyea-THE TORONTO STAR-June 19, 2006-pg. A.17 Young Canadian men and women are at war in Afghanistan. Over here, many immigrants from strife-torn regions understand all too…


Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

For complete testimony, questions and answers, please click here. Report Accompanying Testimony-A Powerful Independent and Impartial Ombudsman for Veterans Affairs Canada PDF click here HTML click here Mr. Sean Bruyea (As an Individual): Good afternoon, Chairman and other committee members. I thank you all for inviting us here today. More importantly, I congratulate all of you…


Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

By Scott Taylor-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN-May 16, 2006 THE FEDERAL CONSERVATIVE CABINET recently approved a special order-in-council which authorized a $250,000 one-time payout to the families of four Canadian soldiers killed on active duty in Afghanistan during the previous fiscal year. At the time this compensatory payout was announced, Prime Minister Stephen Harper was embroiled in…


Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

By Doug Struck-THE WASHINGTON POST Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, April 26, 2006 TORONTO, April 25 — A day after Canada’s newspapers carried front-page photos of the flag-draped coffins of four soldiers killed in Afghanistan, the Conservative government slapped a ban on news media coverage of the coffins’ return home to Canada on Tuesday. The…


Monday, April 3rd, 2006

by Sean Bruyea and Tom Hoppe-THE NATIONAL POST-April 3, 2006-pg. A.14

Moreover, the Canadian Forces veteran will, under this new legislation, no longer have access to government-subsidized university education. Furthermore, the new bill does not address issues such as disabled veterans’ ability to qualify for mortgage and insurance benefits that average Canadians regard as essential. Previous generations of veterans were provided such assistance for reintegration into civilian life merely because they were veterans – – they did not have to be disabled. Surely CF members who serve in the hostile environments of the Persian Gulf, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, and were wounded, are equally deserving of such support.

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006 News Staff Date: Sun. Apr. 2 2006 5:17 PM ET The federal government biggest overhaul of benefits since the Second World War is kicking in just as Canada takes on its most aggressive military role in decades. However, some critics worry that the new veterans’ charter, supported by all parties last spring and taking…


Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

By STEPHANIE RUBEC, SENIOR POLITICAL REPORTER-THE TORONTO SUN-March 22, 2006 OTTAWA — A group of veterans is appealing to Stephen Harper’s government to halt changes to their disability benefits, which they claim will penalize sick and injured Canadian soldiers. Retired Cpt. Sean Bruyea, who fought in the Gulf War, warned that if the new Veterans…


Friday, March 3rd, 2006

by Mike Blanchfield-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN-March 3, 2006 (A.3) After more than a decade of delay, Canadian veterans of the first Persian Gulf War will now be getting commemorative thank-you medals from the Kuwaiti government for liberating the tiny state from Saddam Hussein’s occupying forces in 1991. The decision to distribute the medals came yesterday in…


Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

By Mike Blanchfield-THE OTTAWA CITIZEN (CANWEST NEWS)-February 28, 2006 OTTAWA – Fifteen years after the first Gulf War to liberate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein, a set of commemorative thank-you medals from the Kuwaiti government to Canadian troops involved in Operation Desert Storm appears to have vanished in the fog of war. In the years following…